Aloha, I am Kerry!

My spirit given name is Gian Sandevi. I am an intuitive soul connected yoga teacher and leader in the arena of manifesting and consciously creating a self expressed life you love through sacred jewelry and kundalini yoga.

For individuals who wish to live fully expressed lives! Sound like YOU?

I design jewelry to help bring your desired hopes and dreams to life. Each mala is custom and unique just like you. 

What I do

I ask you two questions, What do you want to manifest into your life right now and what are you ready to let go of? Then I tune in through my kundalini yoga practice and choose stones that will support your journey. You can be involved in the process or just let my intuition roll!

Looking to go deeper into your spiritual evolution?

As your compassionate guide, I will help you discover your unique purpose, define your values, let go of limiting self beliefs and attract your souls desires. Through clarity of life purpose and direction, you will move from scarcity and overwhelm to gratitude and growth. I do this through my sacred jewelry work or 1 on 1 mentorship kundalini yoga offerings. 

Take the next step

towards your highest self

women sitting in meditation with candle
Background design element Yellow Wave

My mission as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

is to empower

individuals to align with their purpose and values so they can live a fully self expressed life. As a yoga teacher and personal development mentor, I use the spirit led holistic modalities of self awareness, meditation, yoga and gratitude as tools to help you align with your radiance so you can achieve your goals, hopes and desires.

my values

Balance, Gratitude, Joy

The things I value the most are integrity, clear communication, speaking straight, true love, connection, honesty with yourself and others and giving up things that don’t serve you so you can live in peace and harmony.

happy women with arms out
Background design element Yellow Wave
women with hands together forming a circle
Background design element Yellow Wave

Things that light me up!

Flourishing friendships, a really good coffee, family, health, kundalini yoga, everything nature & thriving community!

I fill my days with possibilities of connection with my  the things that really matter to me in my life, my souls purpose, progression towards my goals + manifestation rituals. The Hawaiian Islands are my happy place. 

Want to work together?

I offer custom jewelry work or private yoga teaching.

What gemstones align with you?

Grab my FREE PDF GUIDE to crystals and chakras.

How will Custom Mala Jewelry align me with my highest self?

As a Custom Mala Jewelry Artist my intention is to connect individuals with their purpose and guide them to manifest their desires using ethically sourced semi-precious gemstones and all-natural, high quality crystals that carry positive vibrations.

Everything in this world is made up of energy and molded into physical form through vibration and sound. Gemstones carry certain frequencies within them that impact your energetic field. Crystals have been used for centuries to heal and take dis-ease out of the mind, body and spirit.